Good for people, the environment and enthusiasts
The participants are people with a distance to the labor market or interns who gain work experience in a professional company for 3 to 12 months. They develop employee skills with us and perform work at very different levels in a safe and structured environment.
The participants are registered, among other things, via the Werkbedrijf of the municipality of Nijmegen and surrounding municipalities (work experience programmes, participation programs and integration programmes), schools for special
education (interns), the RIBW and other institutions.
The foremen are volunteers who enjoy supervising our participants and also carrying out various activities themselves in a collegial atmosphere. We work together for the guidance processes
with an experienced coach.

The management is in the hands of Jan van Asselt, assisted by the Workshop Chef Daan van Dam.
Jan is trained as a business administrator and is an experienced project manager within the manufacturing industry. He has taken over the great passion of his father who is - to this day - an avid 2CV collector and mechanic.
Daan is an experienced car mechanic, technical specialist and MOT inspector. He has a passion for vintage cars. He acquired his expertise in electrification at the car manufacturer Tesla.
The board of the Foundation consists of Peter Paul Mastboom, entrepreneur and Jeroen Fokke, retired doctor. As founders of the Foundation in 2011, they developed the concept, monitored the objective and
they ensure the continuity of 2CV4U.